Club promoters in India announced this week that Tiesto has decided to boycott Bangalore on his upcoming tour, in response to the city's escalating crackdown on dancing.
Local cops subsequently told Bangalore newspaper the Decca Times that they wouldn't actually have stopped Tiesto's show because of the tourist revenue it would have brought in, though Mirza from Bangalote promoters Eblitz Inc claimed the Dutch superstar trance DJ was concerned.
'The blanket ban on dancing on Excise licensed premises in the City didn't go well with him because when he performs, people dance,' he explained, 'We couldn't confirm to him that his audience here will be allowed to dance because of the ban,' he added (Deccan Herald, India)
In more bad news for Indian tourism, Merinews updated an article warning of the horrific death rate from people drowning off Goa's beaches, revealing that 234 people perished the five last years (up from 200 two years ago). The Herald suggested strong under-currents can drag people into the sea even when they're just paddling, with rave destination Calangute one of Goa's most perilous beaches.
The paper said the threat was exacerbated by insufficient lifeguards, an issue that was raised two years earlier when authorities launched a recruitment drive requiring applicants to swim 400 metres in 9 minutes.
Goa tourist chief Sanjit Rodrigues told the Goa Herald at the time that of the 114 swimmers 'just one candidate' passed the test, with numerous others having to be rescued.
'We can at least train those who completed 400 metres of swimming,' Mr Rodrigues added, 'But we can't even think of considering those who can't swim properly.'